Home Assistant supervised on Debian has always been unsupported but, for me, has been the best solution. Here is how and why I installed it this way. A few weeks ago I got some errors which complained about portainer. It seems Home Assistant are clamping down and have had issues with people running docker and […]
Reolink 4k cameras with Frigate, Home Assistant and 24 hour recording
Update Nov 22 – Looks like I may have to move away from this install October 21 As I ranted about in this post I really struggled with my Reolink RLC-820A and Reolink RLC-810A cameras with Blue Iris. This was particularly frustrating as so many quality youtubers recommended the cameras and Blue Iris but failed […]
Blue Iris and Reolink 4k camera issues
The saga with Reolink 4k cameras and Blue Iris continues I have two RLC-810A and two RLC- 820A cameras and they were installed yesterday. I am running Blue Iris on Windows 10 under proxmox on an i7 NUC allocating 8gb ram and 2 sockets, 2 cores. I have Open Media Vault on the same machine […]
Part 2 of my significant albums, ignoring all the rules.
This is a slightly off beat choice, I’m pretty confident out of the millions of people sharing the albums they loved while growing up, very few have chosen Laughter, Tears and Rage by Act. Mainly because it sold about 100 copies and I’m not sure it was even that good. In 1988 I was in […]
Significant albums – part 1
I’ve decided this whole, “post an album cover with no comment” is a bit dull, so I’m going to break the rules and do what I want. I may also not do one every day or nominate someone every day. What a rebel eh? Billy idol isn’t one of them by the way. In 1978 […]
Some of Pete’s Photography gear for sale – D800, Nikon 24-70 2.8, Fuji XE-2, Pocketwizards
I have the following items for sale, if you are interested please contact me. All prices exclude postage and packing. D800 36 Megapixel full frame camera This is an amazing camera, has been fantastic with portraits, sport, wildlife and landscape. It has fabulous detail but needs decent lenses to get the most of it. This […]
2014 Tesla Model S P85 for sale – available from May 2019
It is with mixed emotions I am putting my Tesla Model S up for sale. It is by far the best car I have ever owned. Crazy fast, incredibly practical, constantly evolving and updating itself and over 4 years later, still heads and shoulders above every other car apart from maybe a newer Tesla! Mileage […]
Migrated Blogger to Wordspace and some pics of King’s School open mic night
I have finally got around to moving my blog fromm blogger to WordPress. WordPress has been the website design tool of choice since I moved www.christianblandford.com over to it a few years ago. My other sites www.begurvillas.com, www.chriselsmore.com and www.scanmypad.com all use it and only my little used photography blog that was left to move […]
Playing about with panoramas
I have just got back from the stunning Stellenbosch near Cape Town, where I took lots of pictures, some of which are on my Flickr page.One of the photos was the biggest panorama I have ever taken. It was made of 10 D800 photos stitched together in Photoshop and it measures 27,246×5,874 which, for those […]
Links to my photos online
All my photos on Facebook, you need to be a friend or a friend of a friend to see most of these Peter’s Facebook photosMy flickr photo stream Peter’s Flickr photos- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad